Author: Lea Kulakow

Press release: Major children’s conference with UN Special Representative in Kenya

Kindernothilfe and Terre des Hommes support demands of working children Duisburg/Brussels/Geneva, 05.04.2023 – A conference of a special kind starts on Easter Monday in Nairobi/Kenya: the African Children Summit. A conference attended by around 700 children from all over Africa, initiated and led by their peers. The summit brings children and young people together with key political decision-makers to share their experiences and recommendations on how to implement their rights. Among them are the Vice-Chair of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Phillip D. Jaffé, and the UN Special Representative on Violence against Children, Najat Maalla. The aim of the summit is to empower children and create a space where they are seen, heard and engaged.

“I want to be an entrepeneur” – Tamanna’s story

In 2021, the non-profit organisation CSID (Centre for Services and Information on Disability) from Bangladesh started to implement two Children’s Advisory Committees (CAC) in Dhaka and Barishal/ Bangladesh. Since then, 30 working children with disability are meeting regularly, learning more about various types of rights of children with disabilities, child labour, right for education, types of violence and abuse and techniques to protect oneself from this. One of them is Tamanna, approximately 18 years old.

Joint Call for Participation

Joint Call for equal, inclusive and transparent children´s participation at the V Global Conference on Child Labour, 15th-20th May 2022, Durban/South Africa This public statement comes from working children’s representatives, including 14 movements of working children, more than 150 NGOs and more than 100 researchers dedicated to support working children. It addresses the organisers of the upcoming V Global Conference on Child Labour, particularly the South African Government and the ILO.