
Nepal: Children Workshops on Child Labour

On behalf of the Child Labour Orientation Day on the 30th of July 2019, the Children Advisory Commitee(CAC) CWISH carried out advocacy workshops in various schools. 

Their objective was orienting children on child labour, child rights, child protection and policies and laws related to child labozr. Most of the sessions were facilitated by the CAC members while the supporting adults (teachers and CWISH staff) provided more insight into the subject matter when required. All of the children participating in the workshop were given the opportunity to share their ideas and help to develop important key messages:

  • There should not be any case based discrimination. 
  • Ensure strict implementation of laws against child labour and ensure strict punishment to perpetrators.
  • The family members should be made aware regarding the child labour and its adverse effect on children.

The participating children got a good insight in the topic of child labour. Many questions were answered during the workshops and the children discussed them together with the teachers and other students. This leaves space for further advocacy workshops. Questions the children and youth shared during the workshop were for example:

«There are policies and programs in place and so many NGOs working for better services and justice to child domestic laborers, but still, there are some many children working as laborers. Why?”

«While we are talking about child rights and child labor; child trafficking, child marriage and dowry system (mostly in terai) is still persistent and hidden. I think the concerned stakeholders and government should actively work on that as well.»

“If an orphan girl is neglected by her relatives and has been working in domestic child labour and has been abused in work as well, how can we help such children?”

About CWISH – Children-Women in Social Service and Human Rights

CWISH is a women led NGO, established in 1993 with an aim to ensure social justice, protection and promotion of human rights, especially the rights of children.
In order to achieve this aim, it has been working in three programmatic pillars: Child Protection, Rights To Education and Family Empowerment.