Eventos, Incidencia Política

Side Event Invitation

IV Global Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labour –

Time to Talk! Side Event

It is our pleasure to invite you to a one-hour side event organized by terre des hommes, ECPAT, Kindermissionswerk ‘Die Sternsinger’, Young Lives and Kindernothilfe:

“CHILDREN’S VIEWS ON CHILDREN’S WORK – Recent Research and Evidence on the situation of working children”

The Side Event will take place on the Wednesday November 15th at 17:30 in the Walsh Room, in parallel of the IV Global Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labour!


Child Participation

We all know that child participation is one of the four principles of the UN Convention on the Right of the Child and that it is instrumental to achieve the realization of all children’s rights. It has also been identified as a key procedure to safeguard that policies are taking into account the best interest of the child (see per UN General Comment No. 14). While it is so central to our goal of putting an end to the exploitation of children, ensuring meaningful participation still remains a challenge for all stakeholders working towards the achievement of SDG target 8.7.